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웹2.0서비스의 인터넷 마케팅 전략 10가지

Web2.0에서 10가지 마케팅 Rule인데 기본적인 Web2.0의 정신과 별반 다른게 없다. 고객을 중심으로 고객과 함께 공유하는 마케팅 전략이 아니라 Web2.0이라는 새로운 테크놀로지에 마케팅을 입혀 어떻게 효율적으로 커뮤니케이션을 할것인가라는 방법만 나열한것 같다.

인터넷 마케팅 초창기 "고객상호작용"이라는 메타포(!)를 통하여 거창하게 포장하여 광고시장을 키워왔지만 궁극적으로 "고객과의 친밀한 상호작용"은 아직까지 가야할길이 멀다.

The 10 New Rules of Marketing with Web 2.0

  1. Technology is changing the way you reach customers and the way that customers find you.
  2. Blogs are Impacting Everything. You Better Get This Right.
  3. Publish Value Added Relevant Content or Perish (Business Blogs & Podcasts)
  4. Static Web Sites and Stale Content are effectively DEAD (they are so 90's)
  5. People won't do business with you unless You Are a Trusted Advisor
  6. Consumers of Products and Services Trust People, Not Websites or Faceless Corporations
  7. Value Added Audio and Text Content is Expected and Required
  8. Conversations are happening everywhere and you need to be in the middle
  9. Your Content is discovered in many ways; not just linearly
  10. Keyword Clouds and Tag Clouds are Essential
  11. The Long Tail contains high value
  12. eMail is on it's last leg and dying as an effective marketing and communication tool

관련기사:The New Rules of Marketing Online For Your Business